Blog Post #10

For this blog post I have been working on a new piece and I have also been working on taking good pictures for my finished tea cups.  I got my tea cups out of the kiln a couple weeks ago and I wanted to take pictures of them with a backdrop that would compliment the colors of the vibrant flowers on the tea cups. I knew that there was a blue back drop in the room but I didn’t think that would have looked the best for the reds, pinks, and greens in the flowers.  So I used the artistic behavior: Artists Solve Problems to find a place in my house to take pictures of my tea cups with a clean white or tan backdrop.  I eventually found the correct spot and took decent pictures.  For the new project that I have been working on I used artists research because I looked up online pictures of octopuses because I am creating a slab built lantern with an octopus at the top corner of the lantern.  As I started creating the octopus that would go on my lantern I had to pay great attention to the details on the creature in real life.  Their heads are shaped very interestingly being a little lopsided with the part wear their brain is so that was very difficult to create the correct shape of the head. I still haven’t created the tentacles but I think that part will be very difficult because of the suctions they have on the bottom if their tentacles and I am still figuring out how I will create them.